4th industrial revolution approach and preparation for Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a thickly populated country with a solid segment profit, we should snatch this near bit of leeway of segment profit and change this gigantic youthful populace into fit HR for public improvement through suitable specialized and professional schooling preparing and different other ability advancement programs. Human resource management is important for industrial revolution. They…

ERP implementation phases for new company in Bangladesh

ERP implementation phases for new company in Bangladesh An ERP system integrates numerous capacities across the business, for example, monetary administration, HR, deals and assembling, to convey advantages, for example, expanded profitability and effectiveness. ERP execution depicts the way toward arranging, designing and conveying an ERP. The cycle ordinarily proceeds for a couple of months—and…

Role of Telemedicine during the Covid-19

Telemedicine includes online diagnosis and treatment of average folks through a computerized platform. Telemedicine includes diagnosis Software through voice calls,video-calls and through electronic mediums.The lock-down kept the patient from making a trip to the specialist’s clinic. Telemedicine is the most ideal choice for giving proceeded with access and care to those with constant clinical problems.These…

The Importance of Information Technology In Business

Information technology drives development and advancement is the way to business achievement. Advancement in business has a similar effect that steam had on the industrial revolution. Nowdays,it’s hard to imagine any business that has not benefited from the digital revolution. The technological revolution has improved organizations this century in the accompanying five essential ways: 1.…