Best ERP system in BD

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ERP Software in Bangladesh

Why Choose Somonnoy?

Somonnoy – an intelligent Accounting, Inventory, Sales, Purchase, Productions, Payroll and MIS Management integrated software system has been widely accepted across the world and its usefulness & demands has been increasing day by day in Bangladesh also. SOMONNOY is the most powerful, yet very simple and easy and very smart & intelligent ERP for operation in any kind of industry. The power and simplicity of SOMONNOY has, so far, got 100+ satisfied users in 10 countries all over the world and this number is increasing tremendously.

  • Purchase

  • Inventory

  • Sales

  • Production

  • Accounts

  • HRM

  • CRM

  • MIS

Features of Our Somonnoy – Intelligent ERP system

Account setup

Chart of accounts, Chart of register, Budget unit type, Budget entry, Budget format, Bank account, Generate cheque book, Cheque status – (Income statement settings, Head category setup), Cash flow statement settings – ( Cash flow method, Cash flow method map, Cash flow settings)

Account transaction

Cheque receive, Cheque issue, Cash payment, Cash receive, Bank payment, Bank receive, Opening voucher, Journal voucher, Memorandum voucher, Bank reconciliation voucher, Convevayence bill, Voucher


Module data process to account, Year closing process, Cheque management and bank panel


Item requisition, Bill of material, Production order, Receive raw material, Production entry, Production consumption, WIP receive entry, QC production, Finished good received, Production packing, Wastage receive.

Employee info setup

Employee information, Employee official settings, Promotion, Increment policy setup, Employee Increment process, Delay in application, Early out application, Delay in early out application.

Device data management setup

Gate type, Gate name, Device name, Employee punch card, Data mapping, Device data process

Shift setup

Shift type, Shift entry, Shift plan, Shift roster, Shift roster process manual, Shift roaster process


Manual attendance, Attendance process, Attendance on hour basis, Attendance monthly summary process, Delay absent policy.

Leave setup

Leave type, Leave policy define, Leave allocation, Leave application, Leave calculation method

OT setup

OT Eligible define (official settings), OT Slave define, OT Rate define, OT Assignment, OT process, OT Entry (Manual)

Bonus setup

Attendance bonus Policy, Holiday bonus policy, Night allowance and bonus


Salary policy, Employee salary setup, Salary process, Salary disburse, Salary advice (bank only)

For More Advanced Features And Pricing

Somonnoy – Intelligent ERP system report

Purchase Reports

Purchase Credit Note Report, Purchase Plan Report, Comparative Statement Report, Purchase Order Detail MIS, Purchase Order Report, Purchase Requisition Report, Purchase Quotation Report, Purchase Debit Note Report, Purchase Invoice Report, Purchase Bill Detail MIS.

Production Reports

Production Detail Report, Production MIS Report. Production Consumption Report, Production Wise Cost Report, Bill of Materials Report, Production Consumption MIS Report, RptProduction Report, Production Order Report, Production Consumption.

Payroll Report

Payroll and Other Allowances, Salary Advice Report, Salary Disburse Report, Summary Sheet, Over Time and Other Allowances Statement, Section Wise EOT, Summary Sheet of EOT Allowances, Factory Supervisors EOT Statement, Pay Slip, Payroll Report.

Inventory Reports

Transfer Order Report, Short Item Entry Report, Over Item Entry Report, QC Report, Sales Return Order Report, Inventory MIS Report – (MRR MIS Report, Delivery Order MIS Report, Transfer Order MIS Report, Sales Return Order MIS Report, Short Entry MIS Report, Over Entry MIS Report, Item Stock MIS Report), Purchase Return Order Report, Item Delivery Detail Report, MRR/GRN Detail Report.

Sales Reports

Sales Invoice Report, Sales MIS Report, Sales Credit Note Report, Sales Debit Note Report, Sales Delivery Order Report, Sales Return Entry Report, Sales Order Report.

Financial Accounting Reports

General Ledger, Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Journal Transaction, Cash Flow Statement, All Type Voucher, Party Ledger, Processed – (General Ledger (MP), Trial Balance (MP), Balance Sheet (MP), Income Statement(MP), Cash Flow Statement (MP), Party Ledger (MP)), Cheque Management/Bank Panel.

Attendance Report

Daily Attendance, Job Card, Attendance Status Wise Monthly Details, Attendance Time Hour Wise Monthly Detail, Attendance Pay Hour Wise Monthly Detail, Employee Punch Data Not In Attendance, Device Punch Data.

Employee Reports

Delay In Early Out Report, Employee Information Report, Promotion Application Report, Increment Application Report.

OT Reports

OT Assignment Report, OT Entry by Date, OT Summary by Date, OT Hour by Date, OT Hour by Section, Compliance OT Hour by Date, Compliance OT Hour by Section.

Shift Report

Shift Roster Report, Employee Shift Information.


Manual attendance, Attendance process, Attendance on hour basis, Attendance monthly summary process, Delay absent policy.

Leave setup

Leave type, Leave policy define, Leave allocation, Leave application, Leave calculation method

Visuals of our Somonnoy – Intelligent ERP system

Product List
Stock Count
Product Report
Due Report
Date Wise Sale Details Report

Best ERP Software Development Company in Bangladesh

“Somonnoy” is the best  ERP Software in Bangladesh that will suit your needs perfectly. If you’re looking for a good ERP software in Bangladesh and a best ERP software development company in Bangladesh with years of experience providing quality software development services, then check out Acquaint Technologies. These companies have a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to developing Enterprise Resource Planning solutions – perfect for any business looking to improve their operations! Our company also provides the best Garments ERP in Bangladesh as well as best ERP software for small business.

Benefits of ERP Software Development in Bangladesh

ERP software development company in Bangladesh can help you make a real impact on your business. By using the right tools and resources, you can develop your business at an early stage and achieve greater success than ever before. ERP software can help them save time and money. Additionally, Enterprise Resource Planning  software development can help companies in Bangladesh grow their businesses by providing them with the tools and resources they need to improve their efficiency and performance.

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